Health and Wellbeing
Pupil Support
Support is available for students with social/emotional needs. We are extremely fortunate to have a Community Liaison Coordinator from the Dargaville Youth Charitable Trust working onsite.
Our school also works closely with the Learning Support division of the Ministry of Education, RTLB Services and parents in setting up and implementing individual education programs.
Accurate contact details are essential. It is vital that the school is kept up-to-date with ANY change in phone numbers and addresses.
All year 7 pupils will have sight and hearing tests run by Northland Health.
Any pupil who becomes ill at school will be cared for to the best of our ability. If we consider the pupil will be better off at home, parents will be phoned and asked to collect the child. In the case of an accident requiring medical treatment, we will immediately phone the parents to take their child to the Medical Centre.
If parents are unable to be contacted then a staff member will take them and stay with the student until the parent arrives.
A health register is compiled containing the names of the pupils with allergies etc, please specify any dietary requirements.
We ask parents to note any of these when completing the enrolment form. If a child requires medication to be kept and administered at school for any condition (i.e. allergies, asthma, etc.) a parent/caregiver must complete a “Permission for Administration of Medications” form. These are available from the school office, or download here.
However, we will administer paracetamol if a student requires pain relief for minor ailments i.e. headaches etc., unless parents/caregivers have expressly stated not to on the child’s enrolment form.

Ka Ora, Ka Ako - Healthy School Lunches Programme
Dargaville Intermediate, along with several other local schools use catering services to provide lunch.
They are able to meet most medical related dietary requirements. You will still need to provide morning tea for your child.
The only permissible drink for students is water, we may have fizzy on special occasions such as end of term parties or school socials.